Setting up Continuous Integration on Windows
Installing Jenkins
Download Windows Installer from
The installer configures Jenkins to run as a service using SYSTEM user which can be dangerous, it’s safer to change the user’s service to a non priviledged one:
Configuring Jenkins
Installing JDK 8
Through Jenkins administration, add a JDK 8 automatic installer.
Installing Maven
Through Jenkins administration, add a Maven automatic installer from Apache’s site.
Installing PhantomJS
Install binaries from
CHeck that the executable is included in PATH:
phantomjs --version
Installing NodeJS
Jenkins NodeJS plugin does not work on Windows, so we’ll do a manual installation.
Download latest stable version (e.g. 4.xx.xx) from
Don’t install to default directory C:\Program Files\nodejs
as it requires administration rights, prefer a simpler path like c:\nodejs
Edit C:\nodejs\node_modules\npm\npmrc
to replace
Add the ‘C:\nodejs\node_modules\npm’ folder to the PATH environment variable, remove the one that was added by the installer: ‘C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm’
npm may require git, install it from
Add bower and gulp:
npm install -g bower gulp
bower --version
gulp --version
It can be useful to have multiple versions of NodeJS on same machine but ‘nvm’ equivalents on Windows focus more on development environment than continuous integration. So if a job requires another version of NodeJS, change its PATH.